In the Beginning...
JD Ranch was established February 25, 2000 in Winter Park, Florida. Those of you who have been to Winter Park, Florida, know that Winter Park isn't such a great place to have a ranch. Within a few months, the ranch relocated to Geneva, Florida. Geneva was a beautiful place and the ranch flourished. The addition of the first ranch hand (Mackenzie) brought a desire for improvement and expansion. JD Ranch then relocated 30 minutes away to nearby Orlando, Florida. Orlando's real estate boomed and brought the ranch an opportunity to make a financial gain and transition to a slower pace of life. This led to the ranch relocation to Fort Worth, Texas. The ranch enjoyed a picture perfect frontier and added an additional ranch hand (Cambrie). The city of Fort Worth expanded as well, and threatened the lifestyle that ranch sought and enjoyed so much. That pushed the ranch to search for greener pastures. Bigger and greener pastures were found in rural Poolville, then Weatherford and finally the Stephenville area of Texas where JD Ranch is located today. Day by day, we are taming our piece of the wild west and enjoying a different way of life.
Current Ventures...
We are very busy living happily ever after! The days at the ranch are long and filled with homeschooling, gardening, bee keeping, soap/ cheese making, goat milking, and barn cleaning. We wouldn't have it any other way! :)
(Almost) Everyday Life...
See where we've been, where we are at, and where we are headed on our family and farm blog, (Almost) Everyday Life.