Love this kid! I made blueberry flapjacks with her and made the number 8 on top! She thought that was so cool. Bonnie helped her roller skate through the kitchen. I was going to take her to the track today to practice, but it's raining. She still wanted to go, bless her heart! Funny thing with her bday cake. Cambrie is very specific about the cake, icing, flavor, topping, etc. Sweets are serious business with her and she has design control of every decision. Cambrie picks out everything including the candles. Well we light them and she blows them out and *poof* the candles spark and relight! Unknown to anyone (including Cam$, these were trick candles that will continually stay lit until soaked in water. She thought that was so Hillarious!
Dr. Jeff has been working on poker cards for the ranch. Above are some of the designs. You can order custom Bicycle Poker cards from Zazzle.
I am thankful for this young lady in my life. She makes me laugh with her quick wit. She's stubborn as a mule, but cute as Christmas. I know the Lord has plans for her.....she already has a big heart and a caring spirit for others. Happy Birthday Cambrie! #jdranch #jeffdaniels #poolville #texas At the Texas Cattle Raiser's Museum in Fort Worth, Texas over 1,000 working brands from cattle ranches are displayed. I found the iconic King Ranch and Stephen F Austin brands here. Shows how big Texas really is! At the Texas Cattle Raiser's Museum in Fort Worth, Texas over 1,000 working brands from cattle ranches are displayed. I found the iconic King Ranch and Stephen F Austin brands here. Shows how big Texas really is! Reminds me of my Grandmother's house. She used to buy baby dolls and knock knacks at garage sales. Her house had all kinds of interesting things. This room is full of items from estate sales: dolls, China, furniture, vases, & other collectibles. Fun to walk through, but I would need a mansion for all that stuff! Mackenzie playing the Sailor Jerry Uke. Did you know Sailor Jerry brought the first tatoos from mainland Hawaii? Poolville's finest caught their bad guy! Mackenzie is off the hook, but wait whose that in the back window by the crook? Top truck was made for the 2010 SEMA show. It's a "Wagoneerango" - a 1970 Wagoneer mounted on a Dodge Durango chassis and interior. The middle Jeep is a 1980? CJ with an extra axle and 4-banger Diesel engine. The last on is a 1967 Pontiac Tempest (I think) and there is a window tray with a burger and shake. |
Author(Almost) Everyday happenings at JD Ranch, written mostly from the momma's perspective. :). Archives
October 2015