This has been such a great week!
As far as the agile story (probably only humorous to parents and grandparents)... Mackenzie can be a little insecure with anyone getting complimented besides her. Well, Debbie was watching American Idol. Jeff and her were commenting on how "great" this one particular singer was. Mackenzie was listening as the two of the them went on and on about how talented the girl on tv was. Mackenzie finally had enough and jumped in the conversation saying, "ya, but is she agile?" (Mackenzie complained one time that she wasn't "good" at soccer because she wasn't "big". We told her that because she was small she was quick and agile- and that makes you an awesome soccer player.) The singer on tv might of been a good singer, but really, was she agile?
Here are a few quick pictures from this afternoon- I'll post more later (with Mackenzie's agile American Idol story).
Week #3 Wow, is it really week 3? Time flies even when you are not having fun. Not to say we haven't had any fun. We have been very blessed, it just hasn't been a cake walk at all times.
It is so wonderful to have Debbie here! I think we are going to keep her hostage awhile longer. Her and Mackenzie are frog hunting at the moment (a favorite Grandma activity I am sure). Mackenzie is clean, fed, and happy- which makes me so so happy. Cambrie is sleeping on my chest, which also makes me happy as I might just get a nap! Here is a picture I took this morning of the girls. Isn't Cambrie growing? ![]() I really should be sleeping- and it is going to catch up to me about 2 a.m. and I will be kicking myself! I'll make this short. What a good day, very relaxing. Mackenzie and Grandma played outside, caught frogs, and did crafts. Jeff put in a full days work. I stayed in bed (didn't sleep much though). Cambrie slept most of the day, with me holding her so she could breathe easier. Our colds are still here. Mine is bearable so I hope Cambrie's is the same or less. Hopefully those antibodies in the milk are fighting her cold off. Grandma fixed an awesome dinner and we sat around this evening and talked. Awesome day! Good night! Yep, Cambrie and I caught the Roo's cold. Hopefully nursing will give Cambrie the antibodies to fight it off- and fast! In the meantime, Jeff bought a new humidifier and I am holding her up while she sleeps so she can breathe easier. Please say a prayer she gets better fast (add Mackenzie to that prayer too).
Grandma Daniels has arrived and not a moment too soon! Woo-hoo! Mackenzie is so excited and will def. enjoy spending time with her grandma this week.
![]() I was so blessed to have Aunt Sharon growing up- she is the best Aunt! Mackenzie has no idea how blessed she is to also have Aunt Sharon. She came to the rescue today. My biggest struggle has been giving Mackenzie the love and attention she needs while our family goes through this huge adjustment. Today, she got that love and attention she deserves, and it came from Aunt Sharon. She came bearing presents. but the the best present was her showing up. Mackenzie quickly took her upstairs where they played for hours (yes, hours). I was able to get some much needed sleep, knowing that Mackenzie was in good hands and having a great time. ![]() We have quite the noisy little girl (actually, we now have two, but I am talking about Cambrie this time). She grunts when you touch her and she doesn't want to be touched, makes "hungry hippo" (not like Mackenzie's but her equiv.) sounds when hungry- which is like, always! She hums while eating, and makes a coo-coo clock/ braying donkey when she' happy. There are also quite a few different squeaks throughout the day. Then there is the cry. Mackenzie used to stick out her lip- this one just opens up and hollers. Thank God it isn't all the time. We prefer the squeaking, coo-cooing, braying, humming sounds. The Doctor Well, we went to the doctor today. I really do like our ped, Dr. Mercer. Real nice guy. Unfortunately, he didn't have all the answers we were hoping he would have. He did refer us to a pulminologist (spelling?) though. He also xrayed Mackenzie again and found that the sinus infection had not gone away (after 20 days on meds, you'd think it would have wiped it out). So, he prescribed another antibiotic for another 10 days. More meds...yuck! She has been doing 2 breathing treatments a day plus "mac daddy" cough medicine at night with Singular. I think all those meds has really effected her behavior. I know, the sister addition plays into that to, but she is just not herself and I think the meds are causing some of the change. I am taking her off everything (except the new antibiotic) until we see the specialist. Hopefully that will help. We also have another decision to make: school or no school. Mackenzie loves her school and teachers. The doctor said it would be helpful to not have her around other kids until we can get through this. I want her to get better (and stay that way) and be able to kiss, hug, hold her sister, snuggle in bed with us, and breathe on everyone. That is more important, guess I've made up my mind, but it will be hard on her and don't want that now. I just love this little girl so so much! Jeff took her to the zoo today and they had a really good time. At least there are bright spots along the way.
She wanted her picture taken so we went outside and she busted out with a few supermodel poses. This is one of my favorites- ![]() Mackenzie has had enough of things being all about her little sister. The other night, she was being a bit loud so we told her to lower her voice so she wouldn't wake up her sister. That didn't go over well at all. She told us God made her voice loud and we needed to get rid of her sister. The next day I was trying to explain how babies can't handle being sick (Mackenzie has a cold) and that if they get sick they have to go to the hospital. The wheels started turning- she then asked, "Do they stay at the hospital?" Hmmm... I feel so bad for her right now- and so helpless in making her feel better. After 20 days of antibiotics and a month out if school, she returned to school and caught something. Now, the cough has returned and daddy is the one taking care of her. She can't get near her sister or touch any of her things. I can only imagine she feels excluded. We go back to the doctor tomorrow. She needs her momma and her momma needs her. Hopefully she will not be contagious and I will be able to care for her. Her situation is one of the hardest things I am dealing with now. I just look at her, messy hair, not matched clothes, eating junk, and entertaining herself while dad is on meetings and it makes me so sad. Her Grandma Daniels is coming in 2 days, so hopefully the situation will improve and we will both be better by the time she leaves. Which is a great thing! Cambrie loves to nurse- almost every hour. She is going through a growth spurt so wants to nurse even more! Thank you Pat Lindsey, the most awesome lactation consultant ever. She is the reason Mackenzie nursed and has been so helpful with Cambrie too.
![]() We stayed in the hospital until Friday before coming home. It was so hard to be away from Mackenzie. Grams and Grandpa Hagan provided great entertainment for her though, which made it so much easier for her to be away from momma. Mackenzie was so excited to finally have her little sister home. Grams and Grandpa left on Sunday- way too soon! I cried and cried. Jeff took over managing the home front- poor guy, that is a huge task. On Monday, we went to the dr. for our jaundice check up. Cambrie's levels were better than expected and she was back up to her birth weight (something they hope for by week #2). We officially survived week #1. Besides pain, it was a great week! ![]() Welcome Cambrie! Cambrie Katherine has arrived! She weighs 7 pounds, 13 1/2 ounces and is 18 1/2 inches long. As you can see, she has dark hair (has a bit of a curl) and blue eyes (don't all babies have blue eyes though?). We had a scheduled c-section (2/20, 9:15 am- she was born at 9:38- they sure are fast!). It totally kicked my butt! Oh the pain- perhaps I should have attempted a vbac. Seriously. Anyways, it was wonderful to hear her cry as soon as she was "born". With Mackenzie, she didn't cry immediately. She was rushed off, worked on, and taken to a "special" nursery for hours. Cambrie was cleaned up, weighed, measured, and given to Jeff. She stayed with us until they bathed her (almost 4 hours later) and then came right back. Her APGAR scores were 9 and 9. Woo-hoo! We had several visitors the first day, mostly from church (thanks!). Grams and Grandpa Hagan, Papa, Amber and Caden, and Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bill (aka Babycakes) were also there to celebrate the big day. Kaycee and company also made an appearance, bringing the most adorable monogrammed gifts (Jeff loves his not pink bag). What a wonderful day! |
Author(Almost) Everyday happenings at JD Ranch, written mostly from the momma's perspective. :). Archives
October 2015