The Roo's pictures are up on the Extension wall. Tomorrow will be (another) busy day. I am working on the garden this weekend. I decided to make an Indian Village garden. I will make teepees out of pvc pipe and have my viney plants grow up the teepees. Each teepee will have a little yard that will grow a specific plant. In the middle, I am going to make a firepit out of rocks and grow my hot peppers in there. To go with this theme, we will start reading the American Girl Kaya series (Kaya is an Indian). Mackenzie is excited. I need my brothers irrigation help to get everything watered. I have started a lot of the plants in the house. Hopefully the village will turn out good.
Have a great night! God Bless!
Author(Almost) Everyday happenings at JD Ranch, written mostly from the momma's perspective. :). Archives
October 2015