Jake is five and learning to read. He points at a picture in a zoo book and says, "Look Mama! It's a frickin' elephant!"
Deep breath... "What did you call it?" "It's a frickin' Elephant, Mama! It says so on the picture!" ...and so it does... " A f r i c a n Elephant " Hooked on phonics! Ain't it wonderful?
This has been such a great week!
As far as the agile story (probably only humorous to parents and grandparents)... Mackenzie can be a little insecure with anyone getting complimented besides her. Well, Debbie was watching American Idol. Jeff and her were commenting on how "great" this one particular singer was. Mackenzie was listening as the two of the them went on and on about how talented the girl on tv was. Mackenzie finally had enough and jumped in the conversation saying, "ya, but is she agile?" (Mackenzie complained one time that she wasn't "good" at soccer because she wasn't "big". We told her that because she was small she was quick and agile- and that makes you an awesome soccer player.) The singer on tv might of been a good singer, but really, was she agile? ![]() I really should be sleeping- and it is going to catch up to me about 2 a.m. and I will be kicking myself! I'll make this short. What a good day, very relaxing. Mackenzie and Grandma played outside, caught frogs, and did crafts. Jeff put in a full days work. I stayed in bed (didn't sleep much though). Cambrie slept most of the day, with me holding her so she could breathe easier. Our colds are still here. Mine is bearable so I hope Cambrie's is the same or less. Hopefully those antibodies in the milk are fighting her cold off. Grandma fixed an awesome dinner and we sat around this evening and talked. Awesome day! Good night! Grandma Daniels has arrived and not a moment too soon! Woo-hoo! Mackenzie is so excited and will def. enjoy spending time with her grandma this week.
Author(Almost) Everyday happenings at JD Ranch, written mostly from the momma's perspective. :). Archives
October 2015